Thursday 27 September 2012

Individual Blog update #1

Busi 2400 is a course that is heavily reliant on computer systems and internet technology. One of the courses objectives is to teach students to use different types of software. This software is mostly available only at the university but there is a risk that the hardware available in the Sprott computer labs can be jeopardized by external factors such as power blackouts.

It is important than that the Busi2400 class have a BCP or Business Continuity Plan that can effectively respond to a campus wide power outage.

I put forward this organizational strategic plan.

The solution to this problem will vary due to the material being covered in disrupted labs. If the lab is showing students how to create webpages on NVU or data management on Access, the students may need to procure NVU software. It is assumable that all students have Microsoft Excel.

These are the steps that must be taken within the first 12 hours of the power outage

1. Within 4 hour of the power outage being known, the professors or TA’s should create a detailed set of instructions to explain the labs processes. This should be in supplement to the regular Lab guidelines so that students can learn the lab material on their own.

2. Within 7 hours of the power outage being known, an effective and well established system of communication over Skype should be already established for threat response purposes. It should have 2 Channels of communication that students can interact with to ask for specific instructions. Appropriate names could be “Busi2400Laboratory-helpcenter 1 & 2”. There should be 1 TA on the end of each skype channel 24 hours a day in order to receive questions from students.

3. Within 12 hours of the power outage being known, an email should be sent to all students in the busi2400 sections, explaining the situation with attached detailed instructions spoken of in Step 1 and contact information addresses of the two skype addresses mentioned in step 2.

Once the contingency lab structures have been set the Professor and TA’s should take these steps.
1.       Files stored in the website portal should be transferred to CuLearn so that students are guaranteed access to files without having to download NVU. This would allow students to further study the class material from home, and would not require intensive labor on anyone’s part. This way students who are unable to access the portal site from campus can access it from home with no difficulty. This should be done within 24 hours and students notified.

2.       Continue to monitor the situation as emails and inquiries from students return and update students on how the situation progresses, making any changes necessary to the initial response. Schedule TAs to take shifts responding to inquiries.

These steps would ensure an effective response to the possibility of a blackout.

Tuesday 25 September 2012


Good day!
Welcome to the Blog of Derek Beselt. If you are looking for the blog of Derek Tleseb, then you have also come to the right place.

This blog is associated with the student of the same name in busi2400 section D of the Sprott School of Business.
